Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rainy Night Dinner Party For 2

I haven't felt like posting much lately...maybe it's the change in season, maybe it's the constant downfall of rain that's been soaking our city, or maybe I'm realizing I spend way too much time on the computer and need to find other hobbies, not sure, but regardless, I thought I would post some photos of my dinner from last night that Jenny prepared for me while I sat at her table sipping wine, doing absolutely nothing.

It was great.

She even provided the perfect (and my most favorite) appetizer, cheese!

I had to document her chopping onions because this is not a scene that I observe very often, but hopefully she keeps this up because I will say I was very impressed with her cooking skills.

Blackened tilapia with cilantro lime garlic butter, roasted rosemary potatoes and sweet coleslaw... YUMMY!

I'm posting the recipe for this as soon as I get it because it was WONDERFUL! and best of all, LOWFAT!!!

Thanks Jen!


I decided to color (highlight & lowlight) my hair for the first time since high school.

In my mind, I've gone from a brunette to a blonde.

I know this is not the case, but for me, this is a drastic change.


I'm totally one of those nerds that plan on setting their alarm at 6am in the morning to catch news coverage of the Royal Wedding!!!!!

EEEEEEEE!!!!! I better get to bed soon!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rumour has it...

Get it? Rumour has it...

I don't really have a "bucket list" but, hey, maybe I'll start one now.

#1. Go to a Stevie Nicks' concert

Fleetwood Mac always makes me feel nostalgic for my childhood when I used to listen to my Dad's Rumours record.

I rediscovered my love for the album after I purchased the CD and listened to it constantly in my little Honda Civic for a whole summer when I was 18.

...and I danced with my Dad to "Landslide" at my wedding

LOVE her!

images via

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lessons Learned

What I learned on the internet today:

#1. You can actually paint fabric in lieu of reupholstering

via Young House Love

I'm still very skeptical about this one and I'm not sure I would ever be brave enough to try it unless it was something that I absolutely could live without because chances are, I would fail at this miserably.

I'm completely fascinated.

They posted the tutorial from Hyphen Interiors. It seems as if she had better luck with the project.

#2. The only way for me to EVER be turned off to cheese is to take a cheese making class

via Centsational Girl

I find it happens more often than not that not, if I know how certain food was prepared, I don't find joy in eating it. Sometimes this happens to me when I make dinner so I would rather have Chris make dinner so I can fully enjoy the least that is the excuse I give him as to why I don't prepare dinner every night.

The whole process of cheese making, especially blue cheese making, does not look very appetizing, although reading all of the steps and time involved does make me appreciate what I'm putting in my ultimately I've concluded that I'll leave the cheese making to the professionals and I'll simply enjoy indulging in it....often!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday in Spring

Spring is finally here.

We ate dinner outside tonight.

It felt great.

I might break out the flip-flops this weekend.

It's Friday at 11:20 pm.

I'm tired.

Good night.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Scene from my weekend

Included in above photo op:
1) Orange juice for keeping me hydrated

2) Kleenex to keep my nose from running

3) Belgian Chocolate Thins because Chris brought them home and I can't stop eating them

4) Homemade cake-pop made my Shannan and Baby D because they're delicious and I can't stop eating those either

5) MacBook Pro because it's keeping my occupied while I'm sick

6) Remote control because it's the other thing that's keeping me occupied while I'm sick


I'm not sure how I feel about the gold Chipotle wrappers.

They're sort of weirding me out.

I'm sick

I have spent this entire weekend feeling completely useless.

My head feels like it is about to explode, I can't stop sneezing......or eating, and I don't want to be seen in public, .

The saying "feed a cold, starve a fever" totally held true this weekend.

My dog is concerned.

I will say it does feel good to sit on the couch watching Lifetime movies and a Jersey Shore marathon and feeling zero guilt about it whatsoever.