Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sewing Skills and Snow Day Projects!!

I love snow days because I always find myself wanting to tackle a project. I recently bought some fabric on a Sunday trip to Old Time Pottery and decided to make two pillow covers for some couch pillows I was never really in love with. After an easy google search, I came across this tutorial from Angela at Cottage Magpie.

The Result?

I used this fabric:

to turn this:

into this:

Nothing that some easy google searches, fun fabric, and some sewing skills can't fix!

On a related note, a snow day last year allowed me the time to craft these kitchen curtains out of an old Anthropologie bedskirt that had been hiding away in our spare room closet for years.

I love DIY projects with fun fabric!


  1. Love the pillows, Pounce! Learning to use a sewing machine is definitely on my list of "things I'd like to do in my life before...". :)

  2. Oh, I love your fabric choices! I'm so glad the tutorial was helpful!! It just makes me so happy to see that! And thank you SO MUCH for mentioning me -- that was so sweet!
